Monday, August 17, 2009

Today, I found out a friend whom I had not spoken to for several years (stupid stupid) was found in bed dead.
She was 51. I'm kicking my own a** for not keeping in touch. We didn't have a fight, we just stopped talking. I don't want to say why, because it's not meant for public consumption.
I was sitting here thinking of times we spent together. She and I worked together. She had a friend in the town I live in, and sometimes I would ride home from work with her.
She adored children, but didn't have any. She spent most of her love on her nephew. She liked my kids, and teased them when she saw them. She told corny jokes. She loved animals, and had a beautiful but spoiled black cocker spaniel.
Anyway, I'm sorry she's not going to be here, and I'm sorry for her family, who lost their son a few years ago too.
Bless you Erin.

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